Normally Closed Check Valves 1/2" - 1"
Series CKMA unique, patented diaphragm provides normally-closed operation with a bubble-tight seal, even with no reverse pressure. 1/2″ through 1″ pipe sizes.

Normally Closed Check Valves 1 1/2" - 4"
Series CKSAn encapsulated spring and sliding poppet provides the same normally-closed, bubble-tight performance in larger sizes 1 1/2” through 4″.

Low Pressure Check Valves
A specialty diaphragm check valve that opens with virtually no forward pressure. However, Series CKD requires a minimum back pressure of 1/2 PSI to close. When inlet pressure is sensed the sealing disc is pushed off the valve seat opening the valve. In this position the sealing disc is supported internally allowing the valve to operate under high flow conditions with relatively no force or stress on the disc.
1/4″ and 1/2″ sizes in PVC, Natural Polypro, PTFE or PVDF.