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Contact Info

Who’s Who at Plast-O-Matic Valves in Cedar Grove, NJ…..

Our Cedar Grove Phone number is: (973) 256-3000
Our Fax number is: (973) 256-4745

Our Inside Sales Staff:

Todd Simmons
Customer Service Supervisor

Yoram Mendelson
Sales Support Supervisor

Our International Staff:

Raquel Kripzak
International Business Development Supervisor

Technical Services:

Enrique Luna
Technical Sales Supervisor

If you need any special assistance:

Andy Ryan
Technical Sales Manager

Press Inquiries: Rick Bolger
Advertising Manager

Who’s Who at Plast-O-Matic Valves in Riverside, CA…..

Our Riverside Phone number is:(951) 686-2852

Our Fax number is:(951) 686-6328

Driving Directionsto our Cedar Grove Headquarters,please click here.


Charitable Causes We Support:

Adopt a Platoon

St Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital

The American Red Cross

Freedom Alliance

Affiliated Websites:

Commerce and Industry Association of NJ

True Rest Float Spa, Brick NJ •True Rest Facebook Page